Live Well and Wander

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10 Ways to Stay Positive During Uncertain Times

Hello wanderers! I woke up this morning determined to publish something hopeful during our current global pandemic. I’ll admit when we started hearing about the Coronavirus outbreak in China back in December, I never dreamed it would turn into a worldwide crisis. Rob and I were still eagerly planning trips for the spring and it wasn’t until about 3 weeks ago that things started to get very real and sobering here in the US. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, so it’s been very tough to navigate and I think that’s the case for many of us.

The purpose of this post is not to diminish the seriousness of our situation, but instead give you hope and practical tips to stay positive amid such uncertainty.

1.Create a fun new Exercise Routine at Home

Exercise can dramatically improve your outlook and perspective on the state of the world. Some days I have really lacked motivation, but powered through a workout and I always feel so much better afterwards! Yoga has great benefits for our health and can help reduce stress (spoiler alert, kind of important right now ;) ). There a countless gyms that are offering free classes right now as well! Since I’m a certified Personal Trainer, I’m using this time to get creative and challenge myself with some new exercises that I don’t usually do. I also love to dance to some of my favorite music because it definitely puts me in a better mood when I’m down. Take advantage of all the free offerings and have fun!

Here’s an article highlighting the companies offering free workouts right now! And here’s another list!

2.Connect with Friends and Loved Ones

Now that our regular routines have been turned upside down, what a better time to reconnect with friends or family that you’ve been meaning to call! Check in with how they’re doing. We need support and encouragement from each other and even though we have to distance ourselves physically, we can still lean on each other during this unusual time. We are actually really fortunate to have access to such amazing technology. FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype there are countless ways to stay well connected.

3.Limit News Intake

Know your limit for news and choose your news sources carefully. The news tends to focus predominantly on the negative because it naturally gets more attention and viewership. Remember this as you’re scrolling through for the latest updates. We live in a time where information is so readily available, unfortunately, I think this can be to our detriment. Staying informed is crucial, but it’s also important to take a break from time to time for your mental well-being. The WHO webite and the CDC both provide facts and practical tips. Check out this instagram accounts for a daily dose of happy news: @the_happy_broadcast

4.Use this Extra Time to your advantage

That book you’ve been dying to read, those photos you’ve been meaning to print, a house project you’ve been putting off, maybe even learning a new language or taking on a college course? You’ve been given this extra time where you are (mostly likely) stuck at home, take advantage because it is rare! Here’s a list of colleges offering free online course right now.

5.Plan something fun

Our lives are “on hold” for a little bit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan something fun for when life gets back to normal! An epic vacation, a dinner with friends at your favorite restaurant, maybe a concert or show at a theater. Even if you’re uncertain of when the exact dates will be you can still start discussing ideas and brainstorm so you have something fun to look forward to when this starts calming down. It’s really helpful to have something to look forward to!

6.Do something you love

What’s something you really enjoy that you usually don’t have time to do? It could be playing an instrument, playing games with your spouse, baking or writing poetry. Now more than ever it’s important to make time for something that brings you joy! If you make time for this now, you might make more of an effort to prioritize it when we return to our regular routine. I personally love anything creative: working on my blog, doing an adult coloring book, or cooking are all up my alley!

7.Get some Vitamin D

If you are able exercise outdoors, while maintaining social distancing, great! Sunlight can dramatically improve your mood, reduce stress, and is the best source of Vitamin D which can help boost your immune system. Even just sitting outside and listening to the sounds of nature can be very beneficial for your mental health in times of increased stress.

8.A Good dose of laughter

Watch one of your favorite movies that makes you laugh or create a playlist of your favorite feel-good songs, watch or create Tik Tok videos ( I just created an account and I’m hooked! It’s so entertaining!). Seriously, now’s not the time to watch anything too heavy or dark. Download Tik Tok app here. You’re welcome.

9.Be kind to yourself

For most of us, this uncharted territory. It’s ok to be unsure of how to deal with this and the reality is everyone is going to handle it differently. Reach out to people for support and help. It’s hard to see life returning to “normal”, but it will. Give yourself some grace to be vulnerable, cry, or be angry. No one has it together right now. Maybe keep a journal and write down your feelings. Sometimes it really helps to just put your feelings on paper.

10.find gratitude

This one will be challenging, but try to find gratitude in whatever you can. Personally, I’m grateful for my husband, my dog, and a roof over my head! The things I usually take for granted have suddenly become extremely valuable in my eyes.  I find it’s especially helpful to think about these things before I go to bed. This practice reduces my anxiety and helps me sleep better.

All the things you’re missing right now (sports, travel, going to work) will be appreciated 10 times more once this virus has subsided. There’s nothing quite like an extreme quarantine to make us thankful for the seemingly simple things. I’m personally looking forward to seeing my friends and family (extroverts are REALLY struggling, am I right?!), planning some trips and going out to eat at all my favorite restaurants again!

Another way to feel gratitude is to give back to the community. Maybe you can donate blood, maybe you know how to sew and can makes masks. Here’s a list of organizations that need additional help right now. I believe during times of crises is when we see the true benevolence and resilience of the human spirit. Think of all the amazing healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to save lives and the scientists who are working to develop a vaccine to save lives in the future.

I hope these tips can help you in this challenging time. Did I miss something? Is there something you’ve been trying that’s helped improve your outlook? Let me know! Wishing all of you health and well-being right now! We will get through this!


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